Activity Report and Latest Information

The designation of WHO-CC was reported in the newspapers

 The designation of WHO-CC was reported in the newspapers (Nihon Keizai Shimbun and Hokkoku Shimbun). The document is as follows.

 This time, Kanazawa University was designed as the WHO collaborating center (WHO-CC) in April 2017. The name of center is “WHO Collaborating Center for Chronic Hepatitis and Liver Tumor”.
On April 21, about 750 people including Kanazawa University students, faculty and staff member participated in “WHO Collaborating Center Designation Ceremony”. At the ceremony, following the greeting of Professor Shuichi Kaneko (The Department of Internal Medicine/Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Kanazawa University Hospital), Shin Young-soo (Regional Director for the Western Pacific Region, WHO) presented the ceremony. After that, Koetsu Yamazaki (President of Kanazawa University), Hiroyasu Takenaka (Deputy Governor of Ishikawa Prefecture), Yoshiyuki Yamano (Mayor of Kanazawa) and Toshiki Ono (Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare) gave a congratulatory address.
 WHO-CC is an organization that implements a program developed by WHO and 34 facilities are designed in Japan. Kanazawa university was designated in the field of the countermeasure against liver tumor for the first time and against viral hepatitis the fourth in the world.
 In the future, they will promote internationalization of medicine and health research utilizing the knowledge and efforts of hepatitis and liver tumor.
The designation of WHO-CC was reported in the newspapers