Activity Report and Latest Information

Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)

Dr. Noboru Takata and Dr. Tatsuya Yamashita attended to “Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment” convened in Bangkok as trainers.
The workshop was organized by TREAT Asia/amfAR and supported by WHO offices for the South East Asia and Western Pacific Regions. Also, WHO collaborating centers from each region, WHO Collaborating Centre on Viral Hepatitis, Sanjay Gandhi Postgraduate Institute of Medical Sciences, Lucknow, India and our center supported the workshop.
 More than 45 participants from 14 countries from east south Asia (Bhutan, Cambodia, China, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Japan, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Philippines, Thailand and Vietnam) attended the 3-days workshop.
 In the workshop, Dr. Takata had two lectures about non-invasive tests and HBV special population. Dr. Yamashita had four lectures about natural history of HBV, serological test for HBV, clinical management for chronic HBV infection and case-based learning. The participants could discuss about difference between guidelines and each country situation profoundly and could get fundamental and broad knowledge from liver to hepatis viruses and the management through three days lectures.
Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)

Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)

Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)

Training workshop on hepatitis B and hepatitis C screening, diagnosis, and treatment (Bangkok, Thailand)