Activity Report and Latest Information

JDDW 2018 (Kobe Japan)

During Japan Digestive Week 2018 in Kobe, Japan, November 1st-4th, an international session ‘Battle with viral hepatitis towards the control of HCC – The remaining issues and future directions in Japan and the world’ was held. This session was held to discuss the remaining issues on viral hepatitis to be solved, such as, 1) an efficient linkage of hepatitis test-positive persons to the therapy, 2) strategy of gaining functional cure of chronic HBV, 3) practical follow-up of post-DAAs SVR patients, and 4) the management of decompensated cirrhosis and HCC patients. In this session, Dr Shimakami from Kanazawa University, WHO-CC, presented contribution of Kanazawa University as WHO-CC for chronic hepatitis and liver cancer and introduced our intensive works as WHO-CC to achieve the WHO goal: elimination of viral hepatitis as a major public health threat by 2030.
JDDW 2018 (Kobe Japan)

JDDW 2018 (Kobe Japan)

JDDW 2018 (Kobe Japan)